Great work in highly regulated environment...
...starts with knowledge and passion!
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mdXperts is based in Wernigerode, Germany and Dublin, Ireland. mdXperts is a regulatory consultancy providing analytical and strategic services to the international medical devices and medical technology market. We support manufacturers and economic operators in the medical device life cycle management, the medical device approval and clearance process in Europe (European Union, Switzerland, und United Kingdom), international product registration and in the development of quality management systems.
mdXperts provides services in the area of medical device life cycle from the product concept via development to the post market period. mdXperts supports manufacturer in devices development in a design control regime (design control, medical device risk management, human factor engineering) to ensure that resulting medical device are comprehensive verified and validated and meet objectively the European und US American regulatory requirements.
mdXperts was founded in 2021 by Karin Brueckmann Mercurio MDC, Dublin and Uwe Wallstab, Engineering Office for Medical Technology, Cologne to combine expertise under one international brand. Thus, mdXperts stands for more than twenty years of consulting know-how in the highly regulated field of medical technology. The mdXperts group is located in Europe and includes the mdXperts GmbH,
a company under German law with the main office in Wernigerode, Germany and mdXperts - Mercurio -, Dublin Ireland.